Dear partners,
We regret to inform you that we will be pausing Zen Rooms’ Affiliate Program effective immediately as we are working with the merchant to enhance affiliate campaign tracking.
Please take note and kindly take down their offers. We will notify you once the program is back up again.
In the meantime, take this opportunity to check out some other new offers that you can promote now!
5.6% Commission
0.35% Commission
Up-to 3.5% in Commissions
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your account manager. Sorry for the inconvenience caused and thank you!
Dear partners,
Kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa untuk program affiliate Zen Rooms‘ akan berhenti serta-merta dikarenakan campaign telah melebihi budget. Kami sedang bekerjasama dengan merchant untuk memperbaiki tracking dari affiliate campaign.
Mohon untuk memberhentikan offer mereka. Kami akan menginfokan kembali apabila program affiliate nya telah aktif kembali.
Untuk sementara waktu, kamu bisa cek offer-offer lainnya yang bisa dipromosikan juga!
5.6% Commission
0.35% Commission
Up-to 3.5% in Commissions
Apabila ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silahkan menghubungi account manager kamu. Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamannya.